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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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John Cochran came to Charlottesville from Augusta County
about 1825. For years he was one of the leading merchants
of the town, occupying the store on the southwest corner of
Jefferson and Fifth Streets, and residing in the building immediately


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to the west. He was a man of energy and sound
judgment, and achieved great success. In 1829, at the sale
of lots in Anderson's Addition, he purchased a parcel of
ground on Park Street, where he erected the large brick mansion,
in which he lived until his death in 1883, at the age of
eighty-six. He was appointed a magistrate of the county in
1843. His wife was Margaret Lynn, daughter of Major John
Lewis, of Sweet Springs, and his children were Judge John L.,
Margaret, the wife of John M. Preston, Howe P., Henry K.,
William Lynn, and George M. Mr. Cochran owned the mill
on Meadow Creek that had formerly belonged to John H.
Craven, and has left his name associated with it, and the adjoining
pond; which however in the ever-changing movements
of time has already become a thing of the past.