University of Virginia Library


The Chancellor reported that during the preceding week he had received an anonymous gift of 200
shares of du Pont stock valued at approximately $36,000 to $37,000. The donor specified that the
funds be used for scholarships at Mary Washington College for students in Biology or for a student
graduating from Mary Washington College who desired to go elsewhere for graduate work in Biology.
Under the terms specified by the donor, the amount of the principal would have to be expended within
20 years.

After numerous statements of gratification, the following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the anonymous gift to Mary Washington College for scholarships in the field of Biology be and it is
hereby accepted with deep appreciation and that such funds be expended in accordance with the wishes
of the donor. The Secretary is hereby instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the donor.