University of Virginia Library


The Rector read to the Board the following letter and enclosed resolution from
the Secretary of the College Faculty

E. Lee Trinkle Library
Mr. Frank Talbott, Jr., Rector
University of Virginia
Masonic Temple Building
Danville, Virginia
Dear Mr. Talbott

As Secretary of the Faculty I have the pleasant duty of enclosing
the resolution which was adopted by the Faculty of Mary Washington
College at its regular meeting on Monday night, May 13.

Respectfully yours,
/s/ Carrol H. Quenzel
Carrol H. Quenzel
CHQ MPH Enclosure

WHEREAS, President Colgate W. Darden, Jr., during his ten years as
head of the University of Virginia, has provided this institution with
able, constructive leadership, and has brought it closer to the needs and
the spirit of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and

WHEREAS, he has brought distinction to the University and its
curriculum by extending his career of public service into the field of
international relations, and

WHEREAS, he has shown an enduring interest in the cause of education
for women in Virginia and has worked diligently for both the
establishment and the successful development of Mary Washington College
of the University of Virginia, and

WHEREAS, recent press reports have suggested the possibility that he
contemplates retirement within the near future:

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty of Mary Washington
College respectfully requests the Rector and Board of Visitors to make
every effort to persuade President Darden to continue in his present
position of leadership, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to
the Rector and the Secretary of the Board of Visitors and to President
Darden, and that this resolution be made a part of the Minutes of the

The Rector having informed the Board that he had written to Mr. Quenzel,
assuring him of the hearty concurrence of the Visitors in the sentiments expressed
by the Faculty, it was ordered that the foregoing resolution be recorded in the
permanent minutes of the Board, and that the Secretary inform Mr. Quenzel of the
action taken

On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Frank Talbott, Jr.
Francis L. Berkeley