University of Virginia Library


The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of Mary Washington

Dr. Margaret Lee Hargrove, Dean of Women and Professor of Classics, salary at rate of
$5,900 plus 1/5 of that amount for the summer months making a total of $7,080 for twelvemonths,
plus $600 for administrative duties. Living quarters on campus for session of 12 months.
Incumbency to begin July 1, 1956.

Dr. William Schuyler Miller, Visiting Professor of Geology (Part-time), salary at rate of
$1,475 or one-fourth of salary of full professor in starting category of $5900 for a nine months'
period. Incumbency to begin, September 17, 1956.

Dr. Miriam Eloise Bowes, Assistant Professor of French, salary at rate of $4,600 for nine
months. Incumbency to begin September 17, 1956.

Dr. Robert Glenn Templeton, Acting Assistant Professor of Education and English, salary at
rate of $4,600 for the session of nine months. Incumbency to begin September 17, 1956.

Dr. Herman Lynn Womack, Instructor in Philosophy and Psychology, salary at rate of $4,000
for session of nine months. Incumbency to begin September 17, 1956.

Mr. Harold Anton Michael Kirschner, Riding instructor, salary at rate of $4,000 for the
session of nine months. Incumbency to begin September 17, 1956.