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The typical business unit of today is highly organized. The course in commerce
embraces a study of the principal forms of organization and their legal
status. Special attention is given to the growth of corporations and combinations,
to the study of the relative economic efficiency of small- and large-scale production
in various forms of business. The development of large marketing organizations
in recent times is also treated as a phase of the general movement toward
larger business units and wider co-operation in business.

In the courses in business organization one of the chief aims is to set forth
in their true relationships the fundamental principles of management which are
generally applicable in organized business today. Much stress is laid on such
factors as the promotion of initiative, incentive to effort, delegation of authority,
placement of responsibility and means of co-ordination in various forms of business
organization. The subject of "scientific management" is given considerable

Third Year:

Commercial Law B1 
Economics B2 
Economics B3 
Economics B5 
Government B1 

Fourth Year:

Economics B7 or B8 or C10 
History B2 or B3 
Economics B9 
Economics C4 
Economics C7