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Professor Milledge.  Miss Haliburton. 

1. Primary Geography.—Lessons on uses and forms of water—lesson on rain,
study of brook in field work, springs, slopes, hills, and valleys, ponds and lakes,
river basins in miniature, rills and gullies, soil—how made, erosion, transportation
and sedimentation, deltas, flood-plains, forms of land and water in miniature,
direction; weather observation and records—study of clouds, observation of path


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of sun, study of shadows cast by sun, observation of moon and stars; stories
about Indians, Esquimaux, Chinese, Japanese, etc., describing homes, habits, dress,
food, etc.; typical animals of the various heat belts; typical vegetation of the
various heat belts; nature myths as correlated with geography.

Daily, from 8.45 to 9.45. Professor Milledge and Miss Haliburton. Rouss
Laboratory, Room 3.

2. Grammar Grade Geography.—General consideration of form and size of
the Earth:—directions on earth, formation of soil (illustrated by field work), rainfall,
streams and rivers, brook studied in nature, brook basins and divides, erosion and
sedimentation observed on excursions, lakes, mountains and valleys, volcanoes,
general division of ocean and seashore, general consideration of continents and
their relief; latitude and longitude—change of seasons, zones, belts of winds, ocean
currents; races of mankind and their distribution—religions of mankind, forms
of government; zones of plant life; zones of animal life; North America studied
carefully as to physiographic regions, climate, products, trade routes and political
divisions; United States and colonies briefly studied similarly to North America;
remaining continents briefly studied similarly to North America. The relation of
cause and effect, the correlation of arithmetic with geography, the dependence of
history upon geography will be especially emphasized. Sand maps will be used
and their making illustrated. Chalk modeling of maps and rapid illustration
with chalk used throughout. Several excursions for field work will be made, and
the whole course will be practical.

Daily, from 12.15 to 1.15. Professor Milledge. Rouss Laboratory.