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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Sec. 384. Grading of milk and cream.

At least once every six (6) months the Health Officer may announce
the grades of all milk, buttermilk, cultured buttermilk,
and cream supplies delivered by all producers or distributors and
ultimately consumed within the City, or its police jurisdiction.
Said grades shall be based upon the following standards, the
grading of cream, buttermilk and cultured buttermilk being identical
with the grading of milk, except that the bacterial standard


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shall be five (5) times in the case of cream, and omitted in the
case of buttermilk and cultured buttermilk.

(a) Grade "A" Raw Milk.—Grade "A" Raw Milk is milk
the average bacterial count of which as determined under section
383 does not exceed 100,000 per cubic centimeter, and which is
produced upon dairy farms conforming with all of the following
items of sanitation:

(1) Cows—Tests Tuberculosis and Other Diseases.—A physical
examination and tuberculin test and test for Bang's disease
of all cows shall be made before any milk therefrom is sold, and
at least once every twelve months thereafter, by a licensed veternarian
approved by the State livestock sanitary authority. Said
test shall be made and any reactors disposed of, in accordance
with the current requirements approved by the State Board of
Agriculture for accredited herds.

A certificate signed by the veternarian and filed with the Health
Officer shall be the only valid evidence of the above tests. Every
diseased animal shall be removed from the herd at once and no
milk from diseased cows shall be offered for sale. All reacting
animals shall be isolated at once and immediately excluded from
the premises. All animals failing to pass the Tuberculin test
shall be branded with the letter "T" or "TB" on the shoulder,
hip, or jaw, and removed at once and slaughtered under the direction
of the Health Officer. Each letter in the brand shall be
not less than two inches high and one and one-half inches wide.

All animals failing to pass the test for Bang's Disease shall be
dealt with as provided in the regulation of the State Board of

The regulation regarding testing of cows for Bang's Disease
shall not be effective until January 1, 1933.

(2) Dairy Barn—Lighting.—Such sections of all dairy barns
where cows are kept or milked shall have at least four square feet
of window area for each stanchion.

(3) Dairy Barn—Air Space and Ventilation.—Such sections
of all dairy barns where cows are kept or milked shall have at
least five hundred (500) cubic feet of air space per stanchion,
and shall be well ventilated.

(4) Dairy Barn—Floors.—The floors and gutters of such parts


Page 154
of all dairy barns in which cows are kept or milked shall be constructed
of concrete or other impervious and easily cleaned material
approved by the Health Officer, and shall be graded to
drain properly, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. No
horses, pigs, fowls, etc., shall be permitted in parts of the barn
used for dairy purposes.

(5) Dairy Barn—Walls and Ceilings.—The walls and ceiling
of all dairy barns shall be whitewashed at least once each year
or painted at least once every two years, or finished in a manner
approved by the Health Officer, and shall be kept clean and in
good repair. In case there is a second story above that part of
the barn in which cows are milked, the ceiling shall be tight.

(6) Dairy Barn—Cow Yard.—All cow yards shall be graded
and drained as well as practical and kept clean.

(7) Manure Disposal.—Barn must be cleaned thoroughly at
least once a day and the manure carried to the fields or stored
not less than fifty (50) feet from the barn.

(8) Milk House or Room—Construction. — There shall be
provided a separate milk house or milk room for the handling
and storage of milk and the washing and disinfecting of milk
apparatus and utensils, provided with a tight floor constructed
of concrete or other impervious material and graded to provide
drainage. The walls and ceilings of the milk house or room
shall be of such construction as to permit easy cleaning, and shall
be painted at least once each year, or finished in a manner approved
by the Health Officer. The milk house or room shall be
well lighted and ventilated and all openings effectively screened
to prevent the entrance of flies, and shall be used for no other
purpose than the handling and storage of milk or milk products
and other operations incident thereto. The cleaning and other
operations shall be so located and conducted as to prevent any
contamination to the milk or to disinfected equipment. The milk
room shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used
for domestic purposes.

All milk houses constructed after January 1, 1933 must be
located not nearer than five feet (5) of dairy or more than fifty
(50) feet. The milk house shall have at least three rooms, one


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for the handling and storage of milk, one for washing and sterilizing
utensils and one for boiler.

(9) Milk House or Room—Cleanliness and Flies.—The floors,
walls, ceilings and equipment of the milkhouse or room shall be
kept clean at all times. All means necessary for the elimination
of flies shall be used.

(10) Toilet.—Every dairy farm shall be provided with a sanitary
toilet constructed and operated in accordance with the provisions
of this Code governing excreta disposal.

(11) Water Supply.—The water supply shall be easily accessible,
adequate and of a safe, sanitary quality.

(12) Utensils—Construction.—All containers or utensils used
in the handling or storage of milk or milk products must be made
of non-absorbent material and of such construction as to be easily
cleaned, and must be in good repair. Joints and seams shall be
soldered flush. All milk pails shall be of a narrow-mouthed design
approved by the Health Officer.

(13) Utensils—Cleaning.—All containers and other utensils
used in the handling, storage, or transportation of milk and
milk products must be thoroughly cleaned after each usage.

(14) Utensils—Disinfection.—All containers and other utensils
used in the handling, storage, or transportation of milk or
milk products shall between each usage be disinfected with live
steam, chlorine, or in a manner approved by the Health Officer.

(15) Utensils—Storage.—All containers and other utensils
used in the handling, storage or transportation of milk or milk
products shall be stored so as not to become contaminated before
again being used.

(16) Utensils—Handling. — After disinfection no container
or other milk or milk product utensil shall be handled in such a
manner as to permit any part of the person or clothing to come in
contact with any surface with which milk or milk products come
in contact.

(17) Milking—Udders and Teats.—The udders and teats of
all milking cows shall be clean at the time of milking.


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(18) Milking—Flanks.—The flanks, bellies and tails of all
milking cows shall be free from visible dirt at the time of milking.

(19) Milkers' Hands.—Milkers' hand shall be clean, rinsed
with a disinfectant, and dried with a clean towel immediately before
milking. Should the milking operation be interrupted, the
milkers' hands must be redisinfected. Wet hand milking is prohibited.
Convenient facilities shall be provided for the washing
of milkers' hands.

(20) Clean Clothing.—Milkers and milk handlers shall wear
clean outer garments while working.

(21) Milk Stools.—Milk stools shall be kept clean.

(22) Removal of Milk.—Each pail of milk shall be removed
immediately to the milk house or straining room. No milk shall
be strained in the dairy barn.

(23) Cooling.—Milk must be cooled to as low a temperature
as circumstances will permit not above 60°F and kept at such
temperature until delivered to consumer or pasteurizing plant.

(24) Bottling and Capping.—Milk shall be bottled from a
container with a readily cleanable valve, or by the means of a
bottling machine approved by the Health Officer. Bottles must
be capped by a machine. The machine shall be cleaned and disinfected
before each usage. Caps shall be purchased in sanitary
containers and kept therein until used.

(25) Personnel—Health Certificates.—Every person connected
with a dairy or milk plant whose work brings him in contact
with the production, handling, storage, or transportation of milk
or milk products shall have within twelve months passed a medical
examination made by the Health Officer, and shall submit
such specimens of bodily discharge as the Health Officer may

(26) Notification of Disease.—Notice shall be sent to the
Health Officer immediately by any milk producer or distributor
upon whose dairy farm or in whose milk plant any case of sickness
or any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease occurs.


Page 157

(b) Grade "B" Raw Milk.—Grade "B" Raw Milk is milk the
average bacterial count of which at no time prior to delivery exceeds
200,000 per cubic centimeter, or which falls in class 1 as
determined by the reductase test as described in the Standard
Methods of Milk Analysis of the American Public Health Association,
and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming
with all the items of sanitation required for Grade "A" Raw Milk,
except that the cooling temperature shall be changed to 70°F.

(c) Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk.—Grade "A" Pasteurized
Milk is Grade "A" Raw Milk which has been pasteurized, cooled,
and bottled in a milk plant conforming with all of the following
items of sanitation and the average bacterial count of which at
no time after pasteurization and until delivery exceeds 30,000
per cubic centimeter, with the exception that cows producing this
milk need not be tested for Bang's disease:

(1) Floors.—The floors of all rooms in which milk is handled
shall be constructed of concrete and other equally impervious and
easily cleaned material and shall be smooth, properly drained and
provided with trapped drains, and kept clean.

(2) Walls and Ceilings.—Walls and ceilings of rooms in
which milk is handled or stored shall have a smooth, washable,
light colored surface and be kept clean.

(3) Doors and Windows.—All openings into the outer air
shall be effectively screened to prevent the access of flies. Doors
shall be self closing.

(4) Lighting and Ventilation.—All rooms shall be well lighted
and ventilated.

(5) Protection from Contamination and Flies. — The various
milk-plant operations shall be located and conducted so as
to prevent any contamination to the milk or to the disinfected
equipment. All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall
be used. This requirement shall be interpreted to include separate
rooms for (a) the pasteurizing, cooling, and bottling operations;
(b) the container-washing and disinfecting operation. Pasteurized
milk shall not be permitted to come into contact with
equipment with which unpasteurized milk has been in contact
until subsequent to disinfection. Rooms in which milk or cream


Page 158
or disinfected utensils or containers are handled or stored shall
not open directly into any stable or living quarters.

(6) Toilet Facilities. — Every milk plant shall be provided
with toilet facilities conforming with the provision of this Code.
There shall be at least one room or vestibule not used for milk
purposes between the toilet room and any room in which milk
or milk products are handled or stored. The doors of all toilet
rooms shall be self-closing. Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean
condition, in good repair, and well ventilated. In case privies
or earth closets are permitted and used, they shall be separate
from the building and shall be of a sanitary type constructed and
maintained in conformity with the provisions of this Code.

(7) Water Supply.—The water supply shall be easily accessible,
adequate, and of a safe, sanitary quality.

(8) Washing Facilities.—Washing facilities shall be provided,
including hot running water, soap, and sanitary towels of a type
approved by the Health Officer. The use of a common towel
is prohibited.

(9) Milk Piping. — Only "sanitary milk piping" of a type
which can be easily cleaned with a brush shall be used.

(10) Construction of Equipment.—All equipment with which
milk comes in contact shall be constructed in such a manner as to
be easily cleaned.

(11) Disposal of Wastes.—All wastes shall be disposed of in
conformity with the requirements of the Health Officer.

(12) Cleaning and Disinfection of Containers and Apparatus.
—All milk containers and milk apparatus shall be thoroughly
cleaned after each usage and disinfected in a manner approved
by the Health Officer immediately before each usage.

(13) Storage of Containers.—After disinfection, all bottles,
caps, and other containers shall be stored in such manner as to be
protected from contamination.

(14) Handling of Containers and Apparatus.—Between disinfection
and usage all containers and apparatus shall be handled
in such manner as to prevent any part of the person or clothing
from coming in contact with any surface with which milk or
milk products come in contact.


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(15) Storage of Caps.—Milk-bottle caps shall be purchased
and stored only in sanitary tubes and shall be kept therein until

(16) Pasteurization. — Pasteurization shall be performed as
described in sec. 378. The time and temperature record charts shall
be dated and preserved for a period of one year for the information
of the Health Officer.

(17) Cooling.—All milk not pasteurized within two hours
after it is received at the plant shall then be immediately cooled
to a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or less and maintained
thereat until pasteurized; and all pasteurized milk shall be immediately
cooled to a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or
less and maintained throughout until delivery.

(18) Bottling.—Bottling shall be done at the place of pasteurization
in automatic machinery approved by the Health Officer
in such manner as to prevent any part of the person or clothing
from coming in contact with any surface with which milk or
milk products come in contact.

(19) Overflow Milk.—Overflow milk which has become machine
contaminated shall not be sold for human consumption.

(20) Capping.—Capping shall be done by machinery approved
by the Health Officer. Hand capping is prohibited.

(21) Time of Delivery.—Milk to be consumed in the form of
whole shall be delivered to the final consumer within 60 hours of
the time of pasteurization.

(22) Health Certificates. — Every person connected with a
milk plant whose work brings him or her in contact with the
handling, storage, or transportation of milk or milk products
shall have within twelve months passed a medical examination
made by the Health Officer or a licensed physician approved by
the Health Officer, and shall submit such specimens of bodily
discharge as the Health Officer may require.

(23) Notification of Disease.—Notice shall be sent to the
Health Officer immediately by any milk producer or distributor
upon whose dairy farm or in whose milk plant any case of infectious,
contagious, or communicable disease occurs.

(24) Personnel—Cleanliness.—All persons coming in contact


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with milk or milk products, containers or equipment shall wear
clean outer garments and shall keep their hands clean at all times
while thus engaged.

(d) Grade "B" Pasteurized Milk.—Grade "B" Pasteurized
Milk is grade "B" Raw Milk which has been pasteurized, cooled,
and bottled in a milk plant conforming with all of the requirements
for grade "A" Pasteurized Milk.

(e) Grade "A" Raw or Pasteurized Milk.—Dairy farms producing
this grade "A", Raw, or Pasteurized Milk shall score at
least eighty points on the official score card of the State Dairy
and Food Division, and of the eighty points at least forty points
must be for methods and the average bacteria count shall not exceed
one hundred thousand per cubic centimeters.

(f) Grade "B" Raw or Pasteurized Milk.—Dairy farms producing
this grade of milk shall score at least seventy points on
the official score card, and of the seventy points at least thirty-five
points must be for methods and the average bacteria count
does not exceed two hundred thousand per cubic centimeter.