University of Virginia Library

My chief well-being, totally consists
With that wind, which blows when, and where it lists,
And, 'twill not mar my prime contentment, whether
We shall have Parliaments, Kings, both, or neither;
Whether or no, the old Lords, or the new;
All the secluded Members, none, or few,
Shall to this Parliament admitted be,
Or to the next, and all men then be free
To chuse, or to be chose: Whether this Sect,
Or that; the supream Pow'r will best respect.
So Justice henceforth over us may raign,
And Truth may her due freedom still retain,
I shall be pleas'd, and my endeavour bend
To suffer, what I know not how to mend.
Whatever GOD permits, his will be done:
For, he is not a careless looker on,


But, active in disposing to his ends,
What, man, to his vain purposes intends:
And, our designs will frustrate be for ever,
Unless, with him concurrence we endeavour.