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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[A weedling wild on lonley lea]

A weedling wild on lonley lea
My evening rambles chancd to see
& much the weedling tempted me
To crop its tender flower
Exposd to wind & heavy rain
Its head bowd lowly on the plain
& silently it seemd complain
Of lifes endangerd hour


& wilt thou bid my bloom decay
& crop my flower & me betray
& cast my injurd sweets away
Its silence seemly sighd
A moments idol of thy mind
& is a stranger so unkind
To leave a shamfull root behind
Bereft of all its pride
& so it seemly did complain
& beating fell the heavy rain
& low it droopt upon the plain
To fate resignd to fall
My heart did melt at its decline
& come said I thou jem divine
My fate shall stand the storm wi thine
So took the root & all