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The Works of The Ettrick Shepherd

Centenary Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson ... Poems and Life. With Many Illustrative Engravings [by James Hogg]

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Bonnie Dundee.

O will you gang down to the bush i' the meadow,
Your daddy an' mammy wi' me winna dread you;
An' by the fair hand through the flowers I will lead you,
An' sing you The bonnets o' bonnie Dundee!
Wi' heart an' wi' hand, my dear lad, I'll gang wi' thee,
My daddy an' mammy think nought to belie thee;
I ken ye'll do naething but kiss me an' lead me,
An' sing me The bonnets o' bonnie Dundee.
Oh, why fled thy angel, poor lovely Macmillan,
An' left thee to listen to counsel sae killin'?
Oh, where were the feelings o' that cruel villain,
Who rifled that blossom, an' left it to die?
How pale is that cheek that was rosy an' red aye?
To see that sunk e'e wad gar ony heart bleed aye?
Oh, wae to the wild willow-bush i' the meadow!
Oh dule to the bonnets o' bonnie Dundee!