University of Virginia Library


This I have well considered: And, though they
Who, wilfully have gone out of the way,
And, with corrupt minds, do again begin
To tread the paths which they have erred in;
(Not yet repenting) find, that evil-tidings
(Because they have not settled their abidings
Beneath the shade of GOD-Almighties wings)
Are, in these times of trouble, dreadful things;
He arms my heart against them; and the more
They shake the Earth, and make the Waters roare,
The more I slight them. Yea, although, beside
Those dangers, which have others terrifi'd,
My ruine threatning, there, at present stand
Steep mountains, and a Desart on each hand;
Deep seas before me, and an host behind
Which doth appear malignantly enclin'd;
Yet, all these cannot from my hopes remove me,
Because, I see GOD in a cloud above me.