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Sec. 340. Removal of the sick.

The Board of Health is hereby empowered to order the removal
of all persons afflicted with any contagious disease, provided
proper isolation cannot be maintained at place of sickness,
to some safe and proper place within the jurisdiction of the corporation,
when in their opinion, the public safety and the health
of the city require the same; to rent a suitable place for their
comfort and accommodation; to hire nurses and provide the necessaries
for such as are in indigent circumstances.

Any person, either parent, guardian, master, mistress, or owner
of the house, where such disease may be (or the disease themselves,
when responsible persons) refusing to comply with the
order of the Board of Health, through its president or other
authorized agent, shall be fined $2 per hour during the time of
such refusal to comply with the order aforesaid, to be recovered
by warrant before the Police Justice, as other fines of the city.
Provided, nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to prevent
the friends and relatives of the diseased aforesaid from removing
them to places prepared by themselves when such places are
approved by the Board of Health, nor to authorize them to remove
any subject, at a period of the disease, when the life would
be endangered thereby.