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Sweet bud of promise, fresh and fair,
Just moving in the morning air.
The morn of life but just begun,
The sands of time just set to run!
Sweet babe with cheek of pinky hue,
With eyes of soft ethereal blue,
With raven hair like finest down
Of unfledged bird, and scantly shown
Beneath the cap of cumbrous lace,
That circles round thy placid face!
Ah, baby! little dost thou know
How many yearning bosoms glow,
How many lips in blessings move,
How many eyes beam looks of love
At sight of thee!
Some future day,
And grant it, Heaven! thou wilt repay


The early love of loving friends
With oft renew'd and dear amends.
Affection true, as with a spell,
Hath many ways her tale to tell:
And thou, with lightsome laughing eye,
Thy artless love wilt testify
By proffer'd kisses oft repeated,
And words at will, when thou art seated
On the paternal knee, in glory,
Rehearsing there thy mimic story—
By little errands, run so fleetly
For dear mamma; and when so featly
Thou dost for her the Dunsbourne heather,
The primrose and the daisy gather,
The daisy fresh with unbruised stem,
Like thee a “bright and bonny gem”—
All this, and more than I can say,
Will show thy love some future day;
Sweet bud of hope, beloved, carest,
Upon thy head heaven's blessing rest!