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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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1. Nymph.

Furies, Storms o're-master'd prove,

Heav'n that band to Hell confounded;

2. Nymph.

Smiling calm appears for Love,

The Earth with gales of Joy surrounded:

Chorus, Nymphs, Sea-Gods.

Birds do sing,

Their welcome bring;
Lovers and Flow'rs cause double Spring.


1. Nymph.

Two, like Suns, conjoyned grown,

Brought forth strait six Pair of Lovers;

2. Nymph.

Honour, Vertue's stamp each one,

Like their Lady, Lord, discovers;

Chorus all.

Which do shine,

Whilst Beams combine
Great, Influential pair, Divine.


1. Nymph.

Thus, Triumphant proves at last

True, Noble Worth, with Laurel crown'd;

2. Nymph.

Those joyful twelve, dangers o're-past

(Set Stars) do clearly rise, renown'd.

Both Nymphs

Whilst display,

Transcendent way,
Those Sun-like Two new-breaking day.



Chorus of all, Nymphs, Sea-Gods.

All Delights
That may Reason, Fancy please,
(Clear from Bodies, Mind's disease)
Attend your Day's, conjugal Nights:
And let no more
(Still smoothed Waves as calmest shore)
Foul Envy's Storms disturb like those before.
Come forth you Ladies of the Stream, Advance,

Triton speaks.

Express your Joy by cheerful, flowing Dance.