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When GOD enthrals a Nation, 'tis a crime
To break their chains and cords before his time;
And when he setteth ope the prison door,
They do offend as much, or rather more,
By adding to ungrateful disrespects
Of GOD's free grace, unnatural neglects:
If therefore, when our sins we had confest,
GOD, them removes from us who then opprest;
And when we slip into our former course,
Brings back again those Tyrants, or else worse,
Why should I murmur to behold him just?
Or, (if I do repent, and in him trust)
Fear, I shall him inexorable find,
Whom I offend not, but against my mind?
When frailty, and the torrents of the times,
Have hurri'd me into the vulgar crimes?