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[Happy the place, but happier still]

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. —ii. 1.

Happy the place, but happier still
The heart where Christ is born:
The heart which He vouchsafes to fill
Need neither sin nor mourn;
No city could with Bethlehem share
The honour of His birth,
But every soul by faith may bear
The Lord of heaven and earth.


[Mine eyes have seen His orient star]

We have seen His star in the east, and are come, &c. —ii. 2.

Mine eyes have seen His orient star,
And sweetly drawn I come from far,
Leaving the world behind;
His Spirit gently leads me on
A stranger in a land unknown,
The new-born King to find.
The word of all-preventing grace
Marks out the Saviour's natal place;
And follower of the word,
I keep His glimmering star in sight,
Which by its sure unerring light
Conducts me to my Lord.



[Thou dost in all Thy people dwell]

Out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule, &c. —ii. 6.

Thou dost in all Thy people dwell;
Come, Lord, and reign in me alone,
Set up Thy kingdom now, and seal
My heart Thine everlasting throne:
My Governor, if here Thou art,
And rulest me by the power of love,
Thou wilt Thy glorious power impart,
And crown with all Thy joys above.


[The comfort lost, and soon restored]

When they saw the star, they rejoiced, &c. —ii. 10.

The comfort lost, and soon restored,
Doth more transporting bliss afford,
And makes my joy o'erflow;
I bless the' enlightening word that brings
My soul to' adore the King of kings,
God manifest below.


[Hail, holy, heaven-descended Child]

They saw the young Child, and fell down, &c. —ii. 11.

Hail, holy, heaven-descended Child,
Who God and man hast reconciled,
Whom angels bow before!
Whate'er I have of good to give,
To Thee, from whom I first receive,
I thankfully restore.
To Thee my heart I open wide,
The myrrh of passions mortified,
The gold of charity,
The incense sweet of humble prayer,
Jesus, Thy prostrate worshipper,
I now present to Thee.



[Who Herod did of old inspire]

Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him. —ii. 13.

Who Herod did of old inspire,
Doth still inspire his sons
With aim malicious to inquire
“Where are the perfect ones?”
Suffice that known to God they are,
Nor will themselves proclaim,
Kept ever, watching unto prayer
And hid in Jesus' name.


[The Son obeys the will Divine]

Being warned of God, he turned aside, &c. —ii. 22.

The Son obeys the will Divine,
Conducted step by step below;
But we our Father's whole design
Concerning us at once would know:
The Word, the true essential Light,
Doth still, as taught of God, proceed;
But darker than Egyptian night
We boldly aim ourselves to lead.
In honour of the Infant-God,
Henceforth I His obedience trace,
The light by just degrees bestow'd
Attend the providential grace;
Observant of a Father's word,
Led with a child's docility,
Jesus, my Pattern and my Lord,
In life and death I follow Thee.