University of Virginia Library


[Celebrate Immanuel's name]

They shall call His name Immanuel. —i. 23.

Celebrate Immanuel's name,
The Prince of life and peace;
God with us, our lips proclaim,
Our faithful hearts confess:
God is in our flesh reveal'd;
Heaven and earth in Jesus join;
Mortal with immortal fill'd,
And human with Divine.
Fulness of the Deity
In Jesu's body dwells,
Dwells in all His saints and me,
When God His Son reveals:
Father, manifest Thy Son,
And, conscious of the' incarnate Word,
In our inmost souls make known
The presence of the Lord.


Let the Spirit of our Head
Through every member flow;
By our Lord inhabited,
We then Immanuel know:
Then He doth His name express,
And God in us we truly prove,
Fill'd with all the life of grace,
And all the power of love.