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Page 316


Incorporated in October, 1907, the Colonnade Club was formed to
encourage social intercourse among the members of the faculty and
alumni of the university; especially among the members of the faculty.
This latter body had so increased in numbers that the desirability
of having some common meeting place, some social centre,
where all could informally gather, was recognized. The value of the
club for this purpose is established. The club occupies Pavilion VII,
West Lawn.

At this writing (December 15, 1913), the resident membership,
about 100 in number, includes all the administrative officers, and
nearly all the teaching staff, together with a number of local alumni
and friends of the university.

One of the club's most significant features is its non-resident
membership, now numbering over 800 and including many distinguished
names. Nearly 400 live in Virginia, the remainder being
dwellers in 42 states, as also in countries distant 6,000 to 10,000 miles.
This non-resident membership makes, probably, the most effective
alumni organization that the university has ever had. Practically the
entire fund provided by the dues of the non-resident members is used
for the benefit of the alumni and the university. The addition of the
"Alumni Annex," just completed, materially contributes to making the
club the centre of the alumni-life of the university, and provides a
commodious, attractive and comfortable building with chambers sufficient,
ordinarily, to accommodate all returning alumni, where they will
be sure of a welcome. The rooms will be ready for use without formality
and with or without notice (rate, $1 a day, including light,
heat, attendance, and use of bath). Through the club's influence,
more alumni are revisiting the university than ever before, both singly
and in class reunions. The club is also proving useful as a headquarters
for visiting educators and other influential university visitors.
Because it is one of the club's most important functions to help the
widely scattered alumni to keep in closer touch with their Alma Mater
and with each other, the club publishes fortnightly, during the college
year, the University of Virginia Alumni News. Subscription price
is $2 a year. The club's non-resident dues are $4 a year, which include
a year's subscription to the News; or this rate may be commuted to
$25 for ten years or $50 for life.

The present officers are: C. Alphonso Smith, President; Howard
Winston, Treasurer; Russell Bradford, Secretary.