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[The book (let all bow down and read)]

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ. —i. 1.

The book (let all bow down and read),
The book of God to sinners given,
The birth of Abraham's blessed Seed,
Of David's Son, sent down from heaven!
Stupendous mystery Divine,
Gospel to ages past unknown!
Heathens and Jews through Jesus join,
And God and man in Christ are one.
Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Our Father through His birth Thou art;
Thy Spirit testifies the Word
Made flesh, to every faithful heart;
In us Thy new-born Son reveal,
Thy Son from all eternity,
And give Him still on earth to dwell,
By faith conceived and form'd in me.



[Hosannah to the Son]

The Son of David. —i. 1.

Hosannah to the Son
Of David on His throne!
David's Son and King Thou art,
Christ, by highest heaven adored,
Reign in every human heart,
Sovereign, everlasting Lord!


[Through earth the blessing spread]

The Son of Abraham. —i. 1.

Through earth the blessing spread:
Derived from Abraham's seed,
Abraham's promised Son and God,
God in us Thyself reveal,
Jesus, come, on all bestow'd,
All with grace and glory fill!


[Christ, the true anointed Seer]

Who is called Christ. —i. 16.

Christ, the true anointed Seer,
Messenger from the Most High,
Thy prophetic character
To my conscience signify:
Signify Thy Father's will;
By that unction from above,
Mysteries of grace reveal,
Teach my heart that God is love.
Thou who didst for all atone,
Dost for all incessant pray,
Make Thy priestly office known,
Take my cancell'd sin away:
Let me peace with God regain,
Righteousness from Thee receive;
Through Thy meritorious pain,
Through Thy intercession, live.


Sovereign, universal King,
Every faithful soul's desire,
Into me Thy kingdom bring,
Into me Thy Spirit inspire:
From mine inbred foes release;
Here erect Thy gracious throne;
King of righteousness and peace,
Reign in every heart alone.
O that all were taught of God,
All anointed by Thy grace;
Kings and priests redeem'd with blood,
Born again to sound Thy praise;
An elect, peculiar seed,
Offspring of the Deity;
Christians both in name and deed,
One, entirely one, with Thee!


[Let all adore the' immortal King]

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise. —i. 18.

Let all adore the' immortal King,
Maker of heaven and earth!
Angels and men, rejoice and sing
For your Creator's birth.
A Son is born, a Child is given,
That mortals born again
May in the new-created heaven
With God in glory reign.


[Salvation from our sins we found]

Thou shalt call His name Jesus, &c. —i. 21.

Salvation from our sins we found,
Through Jesu's grace forgiven;
And Jesu's grace doth more abound,
And makes us meet for heaven:


The hallowing virtue of His name
Our spotless souls shall prove,
And to the utmost saved, proclaim
Our Lord's almighty love.


[Jesus from, not in, our sins]

Jesus from, not in, our sins
Doth still His people save:
Him our Advocate and Prince,
Our Priest and King we have;
Strength in Him with righteousness,
With pardon purity, we gain,
Priests His praying Spirit possess,
And kings for ever reign.


[Celebrate Immanuel's name]

They shall call His name Immanuel. —i. 23.

Celebrate Immanuel's name,
The Prince of life and peace;
God with us, our lips proclaim,
Our faithful hearts confess:
God is in our flesh reveal'd;
Heaven and earth in Jesus join;
Mortal with immortal fill'd,
And human with Divine.
Fulness of the Deity
In Jesu's body dwells,
Dwells in all His saints and me,
When God His Son reveals:
Father, manifest Thy Son,
And, conscious of the' incarnate Word,
In our inmost souls make known
The presence of the Lord.


Let the Spirit of our Head
Through every member flow;
By our Lord inhabited,
We then Immanuel know:
Then He doth His name express,
And God in us we truly prove,
Fill'd with all the life of grace,
And all the power of love.