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For, when the late Intestine war begun,
I did not by a self-inducement run
To make a Breach; but, (called by that Power
Which was by Law intrusted, both with our
And his Prerogatives who then did raign)
Came arm'd, aswell his Interest to maintain,
As to preserve our own: Which may appear
By that Impress my Cornet then did bear.
Pro Rege, Lege, Grege, was the WORD
Which manifested why I drew my Sword;
And if the Pow'r I ought to have obey'd
Misled me, let the fault on that be laid.
What is't to me, since I am innocent,
If they proceeded further than I went?
The Pow'rs that rule, my lawful warrant be,
And ought not to be questioned by me.
If they had ill intents, in what was done,
What blame have I deserved, who had none?
Or, who can blame them justly, if perforce
The Consequents have hapned to be worse


Then their Design? as I believe (and shall
Believe) it was, in some, though not in all.