University of Virginia Library

Aw, Jack made a run,
And caught him, and gript him, and cryin' like fun,
And beggin' him for God's sake,
And the tears! the tears! like urrov a lake—
Aw, the slush of tears—“Harry, Harry!”
A nice chap for the gel to marry!
The tears then, is it the tears ye mane?
The tears—yes, yes, but comin' like rain—
There's everything in tears—of coorse!
Look at the pressure, look at the force!
Shallow water? go to pot!
There's shallow water, and there's water that's not.
Pumpin'! says you; there's some people can,
But the tears of a man that is a man
Is wantin' no pumpin', nor no tap, nor no cock,


I know I've got to the real rock
When I see the lek. You may grin like apes,
You may squeeze your face in a thousand shapes,
You may smooth it till it's like pin-jane,
But the tears, the tears that comes like rain—
Then you have him—see! he's cryin'!
That's the chap! aw, there's no denyin'.

Out of.
