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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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Against Five of his Elders for their Submission to Order & Government, and Summonding them from his Pulpit in Stirling to appear before the Tribunall of Jesus Christ—Versified.


[1736 or 1737]

Since ther is nothing should be done
in the House of him that rules aboon
but what sutes with his will—or mine
who am his plenipo Divine
and seeing the old Jewish nation
under the Antient dispensation


in observation were so strict
that not one nail or pin or stick
were shap'd or placed withouten order
in Tabernacle's rail or Border
how much more then should our new rules
be onserv'd by us who are greater fools
then hear ye Elders worst & best
me Ebenezer take protest
That in my kirk there may no flaw stick
by a sad sentance Ecles'astick
Tyranical and high Erastin
Confirm'd by magistrates unchristian
who without the least Marrow Grace
set up Roost Rullers of this place
and by coroboration drumbly
have broke the Kirk-house order comely
by wedging in, who we may call
Erastian Elders nominall
in number five—'gainst my Commanding
I saw besides the offering standing,
cash for the poor colecting, who
have not a title to do so.
On which for the exoneration
of my oun conscience & discration
I in my Master's name, and mine—
and each Seceding learn'd Divine
also in name of the Eleven
Elders wha ken the gate to Heaven
ound to have been true blew proffessors
by their most worthy predecessors
Prottest that now my Preaching here
connected with their standing there
may not infer homologation
of consequence to congregation
but whate'er loss the parish poor
may suffer by them at the door
be charg'd to them and all the unblest
Who dare to adhere or to assist.


on which forsaid before the world
I do as messenger and Herauld
of my great Master, in his name
summon all you that bear the blame
you intrometters with the Siller
Henry Christy—& Andrew Miller
Robert Banks and William Macbane
and Hary Allan for what ye hae done
all to compere with one accord
before Tribunall of the Lord
to answer what you have to say
for your said conduct on that day
as also I add summond letters
to all your aiders and abettors
oer all the Earth both great & small
with the black Diel to drive ye all
to his Tolbooth where flogs & fetters
may teach you to obey your Betters.