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Semple, you're thinkin'? that may be,—
Love is just semplicity—
Real love, of coorse—chat!
Semplicity! why, bless ye! that
Is love, is, is, is, is, or oughter—
Is fire semple? is air? is water?
Semple? “Sincere,” the Pazon was sayin'—
Sincerity—oh, isn' it plain?
One thought, one thought—aw, through and through,
One in her, and one in you—
Semple, single—isn' it clear?


Nothin' else but just sincere—
A great word with the Pazon—foolishness?
No, no, my lads! it's the best thing, the best,
It's the only thing, just the one bright flash
That quivers through this world of trash
And make-believe; it's swift, it's short,
It's gone—and we're all the better for't,
Aye, and the wiser—couldn' stay long,
Not like that—you need to be young
To work that horse-power, mind ye, my men!
Aw yes, you can love again,
But not like that—it's only the once—
Aw, give it a chance! give it a chance!
One wave flung in upon the shore,
That bursts and breaks for evermore.
