University of Virginia Library

Yet, since he's but a man; and lest I seem
To under-prize, or over-value him;
Yea, since the heart's unknown; and I now am
Of him inform'd, but by a common fame,
At such a distance too, as cannot give me
Assurance that Report will not deceive me,
I'll keep him on the Balance, till I hear
How he proceedeth and shall persevere:
For Lucifer did fall; yea, and he fell
Whom some thought lately, more than parallel
To Moses, Josuah, and many more,
Renowned for their vertues heretofore:
And, since he possibly, by Adulations,
May be exposed to the like temptations;
I will not, though he bravely hath begun,
A Garland make him, till the field is won.