University of Virginia Library


Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke XVIII: 8.

Alas, that faith is wanting now,
As when the Savior came of old;
The wreaths still deck the warrior's brow,
And love in Christians' hearts grows cold.


A faith in better things is dead,
Than what the world before has seen;
Men still in their own ways will tread,
And ask no more, than what has been.
They trust in carnal weapons still,
The warrior's spear, the warrior's sword,
And deeds of blood that history fill,
And ask, “Where is the coming Lord?”
They want a deeper faith in man,
That looks beneath the outward show
Of difference in wealth, or clan,
And man in every form doth know.
A deeper faith in God they need,
That they in him can all things do;
A faith from every weakness freed,
And finding still his promise true.
Lord! let us not with those appear,
Who faithless shall thy Coming see;
But may we view that Coming near,
And, in thy likeness, come with thee.
Poem No. 29; c. 19 August 1848