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The gentleman whose name captions this article was
born in Franklin County, Georgia, June 26th, 1852, and
his early education was acquired in the schools of his
native State. When
illustration quite a young man he
engaged in Railroad
contract work and
has continued in that
same line of business
practically ever since.

Mr. Vaughan came to
Roanoke in 1880 and has
been identified with
every movement tending
to advance the city's
interests, either in a
commercial or industrial

In 1888 the L. H.
Vaughan & Company
was organized and
in 1904 the Vaughan
Construction Company
was organized and incorporated, with the following
officers: L. H. Vaughan, President, J. R. Vaughan, Vice
President, J. L. Vaughan, Vice President and Treasurer,
and J. B. Vaughan, Secretary.

During the past two decades, The Vaughan Construction
Company has completed large contracts for the
Seaboard Air Line, the Louisville & Nashville, and the
Norfolk & Western Railroads. This contract work has
always been completed strictly according to specifications
and they, therefore, enjoy the confidence and the
esteem of the various railroad officials in this section
of the United States.

Mr. Vaughan is a director in the First National Bank,
of this city, President of the Columbia Trust Company
and is interested in various other enterprises.

In 1876 he was married to Martha Letitia Williams,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Williams of Hart
County, Georgia, and as a result of that union they
have eight children, as follows: James R., John L.,
Pearl Viola, (deceased), Joseph A., Junia Agnes
Draper, Jesse B., Anna P. Huffman, and Martha Louise.

Mr. Vaughan resides at 546 Campbell Avenue.

Fraternally he is a Mason.

Religiously he is a member of the Christian Church,
having been a deacon in that religious body for many