University of Virginia Library

To Colonel Bellville.
August 6th.

CERTAINLY next to a new lover the pleasantest thing upon earth is a new friend: let antediluvians take seven years to fix, but for us insects of an hour, nothing can be more absurd: by the time one has try'd them on these maxims, one's taste for them is worn out. I have made a thousand friendships at first sight, and sometimes broke them at the second; there is a certain exertion of soul, a lively desire of pleasing, which gives a kind of volatile spirit to a beginning acquaintance, which is extremely apt to evaporate. Some people make a great merit of constancy, and it is to be sure a very laudable virtue; but, for my part, I am above dissembling: My friendships wear out like my clothes, but often much faster.


Not that this is the case in regard to Emily Howard; no, really, I think this Penchant is very likely to be lasting; may probably hold out the summer.

To-morrow, when Harry leaves us, my Lord, to divert our chagrin, takes, us, with three strange belles and vie most engaging beaux, a ramble I cannot tell whither.

Saturday Morning.

Oh! Heavens! one of our male animals has disappointed us. Absolutely I shall insist on Harry's attendance; he shall defer his journey, I am resolved: there is no supporting a scarcity of beaux.

He goes with us; Lady Julia's eyes have prevailed; she had seduced him before I went down: his chaise is ordered back to wait for ours.

Adio, Carrissimo.
