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A Drama [Part 2]

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Scene II.

—One of the principal streets of Carthage, crowded with chariots, elephants, horsemen, and foot passengers, &c.
Enter Ada and Zilla disguised, carrying flowers.
Oh, this great crowded street!

Take courage, lady!
There's no one here takes you for what you are.
Would you but step a little boldlier forth!
The common people do not move so softly,
Nor look so terrified at every man
That brushes past them.

Zilla, we are lost!
Surely—yes, surely—'tis my father yonder,
Coming towards us with three other men?

'Tis he, indeed. Should he discover us,
For me, at very least, the scourge and dungeon,
And for thee, lady—

Hush, O Zilla, hush!
We will but think of what we came to do.
Where shall we turn to?

Slip beneath this archway—
He'll never notice us. Would he dream, think you,
That two poor flower-girls in the public streets
Could be his daughter and her handmaid? Ah,
Here he comes, lady! Sure enough, 'tis he!


What stately foreigners are these with him?

The Romans, doubtless. Oh, my blood runs cold!

He looks half cowed amongst his stern companions,
And 'tis no wonder, sure.

Enter Gisco and the Roman Legates, passing in front of the archway.
This street we count
Our noblest. Doubtless, sirs, your city boasts
As splendid thoroughfares?

1st Leg.
Our city's boast
Is in the men that walk them.

In your streets
The various dresses, languages, and products
Of other lands, we here encounter daily,
Would be a wonder, doubtless?

2nd Leg.
We behold them,
When conquering generals enter Rome in triumph.

[Gisco and the Roman Legates pass on.]
Now we are safe! Now thou may'st come forth, lady.
Didst thou not tremble at those haughty strangers,
Lest they should find us out? One scowl of theirs
Had scattered all my wits.

I scarce can stand;
Yet know not if I trembled most for fear
Or for abhorrence. Let me but take breath. ...
And now I will go on. Our time is short.

[Exeunt Ada and Zilla.