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The Viceroy

A Tragedy

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As the Guards force off VELORA, CONSTANTIA enters with an Attendant, speaking as she enters.
Mercy! they sieze! they tear Velora from us—
Unhappy father! whence this horrid outrage?

Now, mighty Sieb! great avenging spirit!
Now, now exert thy power! it is thy servant;
It is a father calls, a father robbed,
Most basely robbed, in his enfeebled age,
Of his dear daughter, of his darling child.
Blast this fell ravisher!—with lightning's speed
Let death's fierce summons seize his haggard soul!


And if he has a child, O! make him feel
What tortures—mercy heaven! I faint—

(He falls.
O! save him!
Alas his feeble strings of life are broken
By this inhuman violence.—He breathes—
Now bear him gently hence!—in pity's name
Watch him with tenderest care till my return;
For I must hasten to preserve his child!
(they bear off Persod.
Now, Castro it is time thou shouldst behold
Thy Isabel yet lives; for thou art tost
On a tempestuous flood, and little know'st
What hidden rocks of horror thou art near:
My voice must point them to thy blinded spirit,
Ere thy wild passions plunge us in a gulf
Of deepest ruin, misery, and guilt.