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A Comedy

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Lelio, Antonio, Armellina.
Armellina ; whom do you draw your tōgue upon so sharply?

Sir tis your fathers ghost, that strives by force
To break the doores and enter.

This his grave look!
In every lineament himselfe no liker.
Had I not haply been advertized,
What could have forc'd me think 'twere Trincalo:
Doubtlesse, th'Astrologer hath raisd a ghost
That walks in th'reverend ghost of my dead father.

These ghosts, these Trincalo's, and Astrologers,
Strike me beside my selfe. Who will receive me
When mine own sonne refuseth? Oh Antonio!

Infinite power of Art! who would believe
The Planets influence could transforme a man
To severall shapes: I could now beat him soundly?
But that he weares the awfull countenance
Of my dead father, whose memory I reverence.

If I be chang'd beyond thy knowledge, sonne,
Consider that th'excesse of heat in Barbary,
The feare of shipwrack, and long tedious journies,
Have tand my skin, and shrunk my eyes and cheeks;
Yet still this face, though alterd, may be known.
This skarre bears witnesse, twas the wound thou cur'dst
With thine own hands.

He that chang'd Trincalo
T'Antonio's figure, omitted not the skarre
As a mayn character.

I have no other marks
Or reasons to perswade thee; me thinks, this word
I am thy father, were argument sufficient

To bend my knees, and creep to my embracements.

A sudden coldnesse strikes me, my tender heart
Beats with compassion of I know not what.
Sirra be gone, trusse up your goodly speeches,
Sad shipwracks, and strange transformations.
Your plot's discovered, 'twill not take: thy impudence
For once I pardon. The pious reverence
I owe to th'grave resemblance of my father
Holds back my angry hands. Hence, if I catch you
Haunting my doores again, ile bastinado you
Out of Antonio's skin; away.

I go sir,
And yield to such crosse fortune as thus drives me.