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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XXV.

The Argument.

This cry and call
Is Generall
as supplication graue
It doth confesse
Done wickednes
and pardon craueth to haue

At te Domine.


O Lord to thee: my soule to flee,
is set, my God thou art:
I whole referre: my lyfe most nare
to thee, wyth all my hart.


My God of sence: my confidence,
on thee was alway borne:
O let no shame: confound my name,
my foes els will me scorne.



Who trustth in thee: ashamd to bee,
can neuer man it spye:
Who breake thy lawes: without a cause,
confounded let them lye.


Shew me thy wayes: O Lord alwayes,
of truth me teach the path:
Thy word and way: is certayne stay,
for that all vertue hath.


In truth me lead: teach me thy read,
my God of health thou art:
My trust doth lay: in thee all day,
to thee is bent my hart.


Call thou to mynde: O Lord full kynde,
thy louyng mercies olde:
Thy bounties free: which euer bee,
as fathers them haue tolde.


Of youth my faut: so great and haut,
such sinne O Lord forget:
For mercy sake: O Lord awake,
thy mynd vpon me set.


Both gratious: and righteous,
the Lord is equall so:
He teachth wyth rod: yet louyng God,
by giftes he teachth also.


Who meeke abyde: them he will guide,
in iudgement good and ryght:
And whome we see: most gentle bee,
his wayes he teachth them lyght.



The wayes of God: be large and brode,
both truth and mercy iust:
Euen still to such: as loueth much,
his hestes, and couenauntes trust.


For thy names sake: O mercy take,
my Lord vpon my sinne:
It is so great: it doth me fret,
it boylth my soule wythin.


What man he bee: that feareth thee,
O Lord thou wylt hym teach:
The rightfull way: to choose I say,
in sprite thereto to retche.


His soule shall dwell: at ease full well,
in ghostly free delyght:
Hys stocke and seede: shall neuer neede,
but hold the land to ryght.


Among them lye: Gods secrecy,
to feare hym who that shall:
In gentle fourme: he wyll perfourme,
to them hys couenantes all.


Myne eyes entent: is euer bent
to thee my Lord so great:
For onely he: pluckth suerly,
my feete from out of net.


Turne thou to mee: O Lord so free,
haue mercy, stay my fall:
I am in state: all desolate,
in misery full thrall.



My sorrowes fell: my hart doth swell,
they be enlarged so:
My troublous payne: O God restrayne,
O quenche this deadly wo.


Attend I cry: my misery,
my lyfe and state aduerse:
Forgeue my fautes: which me assautes,
my ioy to me reuerse.


Consider ryght: my foes theyr spyte,
how they increase my feare,
Theyr hate is thus: so tyrannous,
at me that they do beare.


O kepe most dere: my soule intiere,
and me deliuer iust:
So let no shame: confound my name,
for I in thee haue trust.


Let perfectnes: and rightfulnes,
both guide and wayte on mee:
My trust for ayde: in thee is layd,
from me O neuer flee.


Deliuer well: all Israell,
O God wyth all hys seede:
From troubles all: that them may fall,
in thee alway to speede.