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Ballads for the Times

(Now first collected,) Geraldine, A Modern Pyramid, Bartenus, A Thousand Lines, and other poems. By Martin F. Tupper. A new Edition, enlarged and revised

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A Ballad for the Unlucky.

I came into trouble; and comforting friends
For charity hasten'd to find
The very just cause for such righteous amends
Rewarding a reprobate mind.
Some hinted, He lives upon victuals—and drink;
And so, to be honest, I do;
Some others,—No wonder, we cannot but think,
The false is unfortunate too:
One said, like a Solomon, Pride has a fall;
Another condemn'd me for Sloth;
Another thought neither accounted for all;
Another felt sure it was both.


Meanwhile was I diligent, humble, and pure,
And patiently kissing the rod,
And took it all well, for my spirit was sure
It came from a covenant God.
Then I look'd in His Bible, and found there a man,
Like me, with afflictions and friends;
And learnt that, let Satan do all that he can,
The Lord will make ample amends.
So, trouble went from me; and Job was made whole;
And friends slunk away in their shame:
For Heaven's rich mercy gave body and soul
Health, honour, good-fortune, and fame.