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Tasso and the Sisters

Tasso's Spirit: The Nuptials of Juno: The Skeletons: The Spirits of the Ocean. Poems, By Thomas Wade

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He spoke: and away, on the bright wings of hope,
Young Reumon hath passed from the dome of the Deep:
The worship is done; the gay portals are ope,
And forth from the palace the fair Spirits sweep;—
With smiles and with tears, thcy all hasten along,
And converse in the sweet notes of beautiful song;
They hie to their revels on earth, or in air,
And give to the light winds their minstrelsy rare.
But where is the Child of the Spirit supreme?
Where now doth his eye in its brilliancy beam?
Oh! wherever 'tis glancing in brightness around;
Wherever the tone of his deep voice may sound;
Wherever his light feet in ecstasy rove;—
'Tis sure by the side of his own lady Love.