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By George Outram: Containing a number of new pieces & fifteen illustrations by Edward J. Sullivan

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Round—“We be three poor Mariners.”

We be three poor Barristers,
With minds but ill at ease,
Because we never are retained
In any kind of pleas.
We pace the House around, around, around,
Where litigants abound, abound, abound,
Where fees are rife,
Yet for our life
We cannot take a pound, a pound, a pound.
Ah! little do their clients know,
Who trust to legal skill,
What injury their doers do,
Employing whom they will,
And leaving us around, around, around,
No chance to be renowned, renowned, renowned,
Though we have store
Of wit and lore
That might the world astound, astound, astound.
We wonder what their agents think—
Or if they think at all—


Who still employ these little men,
With voice so thin and small,
You scarce can hear a sound, a sound, a sound,
While we walk idly round, around, around—
With lungs to make
The rafters shake
And vaulted roofs rebound, rebound, rebound.
As for that clerk of evil fame,
Accursèd let him be,
Who tempteth meaner souls than ours
To plead for half a fee—
With emphasis profound, profound, profound,
We execrate the hound, the hound, the hound,
As to and fro
Each day we go
Across the ear then Mound, a-Mound, a-Mound!
Yet not because we're thus forgot
Down-hearted shall we be;
The pluckless soul may yield to grief—
We'll live in jollity!
We'll pass the glass around, around, around,
And thus dull care confound, confound, confound,
Nor heed the fee
So long as we
With mirth and glee abound, abound, abound.