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Willie Winkie and Other Songs and Poems

By William Miller: Edited, with an Introduction by Robert Ford

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To Jessica.

The noon's fleecy brightness, the evening's gray calm,
May pour o'er my spirit their gladness or balm;
The hoary oak bend 'neath the blast of the north,
When like a stern giant the storm rideth forth—
But thy beauty is brighter than noon in its power,
Thy mildness more balmy than evening's calm hour,
And thy voice o'er my spirit sweeps stronger by far
Than the blast fiercely rushing from tempest's dark car.
When the flowers of the earth into odours arise,
And their guardian sprites bear their bloom to the skies,
Then a rainbow is bound like a garland round earth,
As maidens do garnish loved ones in their mirth;
But when from thy lips I a love-token seek,
The love of thy heart blushes red on thy eheek—
Then a rainbow-like halo is bound round my heart,
A garland of gladness that ne'er can depart.