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[by W. J. Linton]

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I go combat — thy will, my Own!
Adieu, pleasùre! adieu, repose!


I will have, to revenge my crown,
God and my love and these heròes.
Englishmen! may my Lady's name
Carry into your ranks terròr!
Near her I had forgotten fame:
Agnes me renders to honòur.
Amidst my games — my idle reign
Frenchman and king, from danger far
I did my France let to the chain,
A captive to the stranger's war.
One word my Lady's mous did name
My front with redness cover'd o'er.
Near her I had forgotten fame:
Agnes me render'd to honòur.
If Victory my blood must take,
Agnes! my blood will all run down.
But no! for love and glory's sake
Charles will be conqueror of renown.
I ought to conquer, in thy name,
With thy favòurs and thy colòur.
Near her I had forgotten fame:
Agnes me renders to honòur.
Dunois! La Tremouille! Saintrailles!
O Frenchmen! what a day, how sweet,
When twenty battles going by
Lay laurel crowns at Beauty's feet.
Frenchmen! speak gratefully her name
Of glory and good-hap donòr!


Near her I had forgotten fame:
Agnes me renders to honòur