University of Virginia Library


Little Tradesman, thin and pale,
Rising from thy sleepless bed,
Weigh me ruin in thy scale,
Now thy customers are dead!
Sweep thy clean shop once again;
Stir the dust upon thy shelves;
Polish once more every pane;
Let thy spoil'd wares sun themselves!
Wholesale Firm supplies “the House”
Serves his Lordship should he stay,
Tired perhaps of shooting grouse,
Having lost perchance at play.
We, the poor folk, dealt with you;
We made up your modest gains:
Though you then had “nought to do”
With our struggles or our pains.
Shut thy shop, man! Nay, but wait!
Some one cometh. What! a frown?
Asks he for another rate?
Is the shilling now a crown?


And thy rent is yet unpaid,
Though they rate thee to the full.
Weigh me out the worth of Trade—
Duller even than the dull!