University of Virginia Library

HYMN 26.

[Lord Christ, thou like a Servant wast]

Isa. 41. 1. Behold my Servant, &c.

[The First Part.]

Lord Christ, thou like a Servant wast,
Whilst thou did here remain;
Such hard work was allotted thee,
As put thee to great pain.
'Twas hard work to redeem thy Church,
Thou sweat'st great drops of Blood;
Never did any Man sweat such,
'Twas only for our good.
Hard work it was to war and fight
Against those cruel foes,
Which sought our ruin day and night,
But thou layest on such blows,


That all infernal spirits yield,
Sin, World and Death also
Thou hast o'recome, and won the field,
This does thy power show.
'Twas hard to die, that was thy work,
And more must yet be done;
Thy Temple build, and Vineyard plant,
Fell to thy lot alone.
Servants are of inferiour rank,
Thou didst thy self deny,
And didst not reputation seek,
'Twas great humility
VVhich thou was pleased then to show;
Thy Fathers honour sought,
And unto him great honour too
Thou by thy work hast brought.

The second Part.

'Twas not to do thy will alone,
But his who did thee send;
In ev'ry thing, O holy One,
Thou didest condescend:
Thou hast to wages a just right,
As other Servants have;
Hence crowned art with glory bright,
And more than that dost crave,
The souls of all thine own Elect
Thy wages are also;


VVith grace they must be all bedeck't,
And crown'd they shall be too.
The Heathen's thine Inheritance,
Possession thou must have
Of all the Earth, in God's good time
The same thou shalt receive.
Because thou didst thy soul pour forth,
God to thee will divide
A portion with th'Kings o'th' Earth,
To bring down all their pride.
They at thy feet their Crowns shall lay,
And to thee bend their knees;
The Scepter thou alone shalt sway,
And chop down all high Trees.
And though a Servant, yet a Son,
And faithful was and true;
And nothing thou hast left undone,
VVhich to thee he did shew.
But all things plainly didst declare,
Even all thy Father's will,
VVhich in thy word's left very clear,
That we it might fulfill.

The Third Part.

O let us now learn of thee, Lord,
And be of rhe same mind;
And humble Servants all become,
Then shall we comfort find:


And of thy service never be
Asham'd; sor if we are,
Thy face with comfort shall not see,
But wrathful frowns must bear.
Thou in thy Father's House, O Lord,
For ever dost abide;
We from thy lips must take God's Law,
The glory not divide
Betwixt thy self and Moses, who
Is turned out of door;
Ah! him we must not hearken to,
But to thee evermore.
This let us do with greatest care,
Since thou so faithful art;
And every thing hast left so clear
To every thinking heart.
Thy praises therefore we will sing,
And set thy glory forth,
VVho though a Servant, yet art King,
Yea, King of Heaven and Earth.