University of Virginia Library


There's a more Subtil, damned Crew,
That never yet gave man his Due.
Spare no Man that dares them Trust,
Nor no Woman in their Lust;
If you confide, dye you must.
These have given the Devil a Fee,
And serve him, as much as we.
Nor do we for Excuses plead,
We know we are a Hellish Breed;
Of both, let Honest men take heed.
Undermining Rogues and Whores,
Fit to be kickt out of Honest mens Doors.
Sophisters for contrary Votes,
Ready to cut one anothers Throats.
Agoniæ nulla Causa Sapienti,
Turn us back to As in Præsenti.
Alexander, because his Mis dy'd,
Burnt Esculapius's Temple Pride:
Himself of his Lust he never deny'd.
Why should Histrios be Rogues and Whores,
When maintain'd by Publick Stores?


Senators in Theatres had Seats,
To behold therein Pleasant Feats.
Nothing's more flexible than the Soul,
Every way to turn and roul.
A liberal Soul is free and Raptive,
And can never be taken Captive.
Cartez painted her exact Feature,
By calling her a Thinking Creature.
O, 'twas a most Rare Expression!
Brave Boy! take out another Lesson.
Benè agere, Regium est, & malè audire,
For these Antisthenes I admire ye.
Thus we pick up rotten Rags,
And patch 'um up to cloath our Hags.
The Valiant Wrestler chose rather to dye,
Than leave the Stage, or his Virility.
The Body's a Slave à Potentiori,
Argumentum à Fortiori.
The blind Will admits no Reins;
Dunces will take no pains.
Drones shall get no gains,
A new Cloth has no stains.
Our Bodies are refined Clay;
There they have claw'd it away,
'Tis such stuff as the Asses Bray.
Thus I trifle away the Time,
In making many a simple Rhime.
'Tis the Philosophers Crime;
O, they are all in their Prime.


Aristippus hates all Cynicks;
We Witches love all Clynicks.
I am not pleased with Epicurus,
Because his Sect could ne're endure us.
He forbad us to get Brats,
Or bear Offices, worse than Dogs and Cats.
He places all Honesty in Opinion;
But hang him, he lov'd his Minion.
He says, the Gods for Men took no Care;
How then, I pray, shall Women Fare?
Lacedemonians were Lions at home,
Ephesians Foxes: There's no room
For Witches in these two Nations;
Who can like such cross Perswasions.
Morbus est pars vitæ, ut Ambulatio;
A Rare Sentence! & Navigatio.
Women are Common, say you so,
No Man then can his own Wife can know.
Omnes inviti peccant, O Will!
Then we are all Innocent still.
Opus Philosophi abjicere Opinionem,
Opus Fallacis denegare Nomon.
Τα εφ' ημιν, και μη εφ' ημιν,
One of these two takes away Sin.
But tell me when I must begin,
Or I shall have no power to Spin.
Men by Reason are as good as the Gods;
How then came there to be such odds?
A Slave in mind, though manumitted,
Is ever for a Slave fitted;
Who ever was better Witted?


Socrates never changed his Face,
And never mended his Pace,
And did all things with a Grace:
I'm sure he came of a bold Race.
A Numen promised him, to defend
Whomsoever he should Reprehend.
Of every thing there are two Handles;
O, for Joy light up all the Candles!
I marry, Epictetus, you have hit it,
This Invective desires to be Spitted,
Roasted, and larded with precious Sawce,
And serv'd up for Kings with great Applause.
To please Harlots, all over shave;
But how'l ye do to please a Knave?
He'l ne're rest, but in his Grave;
Good speed thither may they all have.
The Blews that in the Sky we see,
Are they not Waters, like the Sea?
Ægyptians were all Physians,
The Greeks all Dancers or Musicians.
The Persians all Magicians,
How of different Dispositions?
Xantippe was a plaguy Scold;
The Reason, Socrates was Old.
Wise men prostituted their Wives,
Cuckolds all lead pleasant Lives.
Aristippus on the Ground Dionysius would Greet,
Because his Ears were in his Feet.
Who but a Philosopher could so have hitted,
Others are over, but under-witted.


Archytas, forsooth invented the Cube,
And why not find out the Longitude?
Beans were upon rare Grounds forbidden,
Because they resembled Secrets hidden;
They that eat them deserve to be chidden:
Or because they represented Hell Gates,
Which none dare bar up, but the Fates.
These are Arguments at strange Rates,
I hope they will not scruple at Dates.