University of Virginia Library



Languid the morning beam slants o'er the lea;
The hoary grass, crisp, crackles 'neath the tread.
On the haw-clustered thorns, a motley flock
Of birds, of various plume, and various note,
Discordant chirp; the linnet, and the thrush
With speckled breast, the blackbird yellow-beaked,
The goldfinch, fieldfare, with the sparrow, pert
And clamorous above his shivering mates,
While, on the house-top, faint the redbreast plains.
Where do ye lurk, ye houseless commoners,
When bleak November's sun is overcast;
When sweeps the blast fierce through the deepest groves,
Driving the fallen leaves in whirling wreaths;


When scarce the raven keeps her bending perch;
When dashing cataracts are backward blown?
A deluge pours; loud comes the river down:
The margin trees now insulated seem,
As if they in the midway current grew.
Oft let me stand upon the giddy brink,
And chace, with following gaze, the whirling foam,
Or woodland wreck: Ah me, that broken branch,
Sweeping along, may tempt some heedless boy,
Sent by his needy parents to the woods
For brushwood gleanings for their evening fire,
To stretch too far his little arm!—he falls,
He sinks. Long is he looked for, oft he's called;
His homeward whistle oft is fancied near:
His playmates find him on the oozy bank,
And, in his stiffened grasp, the fatal branch.
Short is the day; dreary the boisterous night:
At intervals the moon gleams through the clouds,
And, now and then, a star is dimly seen.
When daylight breaks, the woodman leaves his hut,
And oft the axe's echoing stroke is heard;
At last the yielding oak's loud crash resounds,
Crushing the humble hawthorn in its fall.
The husbandman slow plods from ridge to ridge,
Disheartened, and rebuilds his prostrate sheaves.