University of Virginia Library

The .xxxvij. Psalme.

Though thou se many wycked men, be not therfore angry,
Neither do thou enuie them that do worcke iniquitie.
For as the heye they are cut downe, full sodenly in dede:
And as the florishyng grene grasse they shalbe sone dryed.
Put thou thy truste in the Lorde and do the thynge that good is:
Dwell in the lande and nourishe fayth, doynge no thynge amysse.
And se thou do delyght thy selfe, in ye Lord God alone:
And then shall he geue vnto the, thyne hertes petition.
Caste thou thy waye vpon the Lorde, lett him gouernest styll:
Leaue vpon him that he may do by the after hys wyll.
Then shall he brynge thy ryghtuousenes abroade lyke a cleare lyght:
And thy iudgementes and perfectlyfe, lyke as the myddaye bryght.

Kepe thy thought secrete to the Lord, and wayte vpon hys wyll:
Do not stomake the good successe, of the man that doeth ylle.
Remitte anger wythout delaye, and let thy furie passe:
Let not thyne anger be so greate, that thou committe trespas.
For such as do euell shall perishe, & be cut out doubtlesse:
But they that wayte on the Lordes wyl, shal the earthe aye possesse.
Yet a litle whyle and then the wycked shal be nowhere:
And when thou lokeste toward hys place, ther shall no man appeare.
In the meane tyme the afflycted, shall all the earth possesse:
And shalbe throughly delited wyth prosperouse successe.
Agaynste the iuste and godlye man, the wycked doeth inuent:
And gnasheth at hym wyth hys teeth, hys wrath is so feruent.
But the Lord laugheth hym to scorne, because he doeth forese:
Hys laste daye & destruction nygh at hande for to be.
The wycked do drawe out theyr swerde and bende theyr bowe wyth myght:

To cast downe the pore nedie slocke, and kyll them that go ryght.
But theyr owne sworde shall pearse theyr herte, and stryke it thorowe quite:
And all theyr bowes shalbe broken, they shal do vs no spyte.
The lytle that the iuste man hath, is much better doubtlesse:
Then the great richesse that the noble wycked men possesse.
For the armes of the vngodly, shalbe brokē in twayne:
But the iuste men the Lorde hym selfe, wyll vnderset certayne.
The tyme also of innocentes, the Lorde knoweth right sure;
And the enheritaunce of thē shall euermore endure.
In the tyme of aduersitie, they shall suffer none ylle:
And when the honger is moste greate, they shall aye haue theyr fyll.
For the vngodly shall perishe, the Lordes enimies shall:
Be wasted lyke preciouse lambes, smoke shall consume them all.
The vngodlye renneth in det & doeth not paye agayne:
But the iuste man is liberall, and geueth muche certayne.

For hys blessed chyldren shall haue, the earth by heritage:
And hys curssed sorte shalbe cut out ere they come to age.
The Lord ruleth a mans fotesteppes, and lyketh well hys waye:
When he slydeth he falleth not, for the Lord doeth hym staye.
I haue bene yonge and am nowe olde, yet the eies in myne heade:
Dyd neuer se the iuste deserte, nor hys seede begge theyr breade.
For he is dayly lyberall, & doeth lend with good wyll:
And his seede and posteritie, haue of al thynges theyr fyll.
Flye thou from yll and do the thynge that is good and godly:
And then thou maiste be sure thou shalt euer dwell pleasantly.
For the Lorde loueth iuste iudgment, he doeth therin delyght:
The wayes of them that do iustly are pleasante in hys syght.
Hys saynctes he doeth neuer forsake, but kepeth them for aye:
But the seede of the vngodly, he routeth out I saye.
The iuste men shall possesse the earth by ryght of heritage:

And shall inhabyte vpon it to the ende of all age.
The iuste mans mouth doeth commune of wysedome and sapience:
So doeth his tonge speake iuste iudgment wyth carefull diligence.
In his hert the lawe of his God, is grounded and faste pyght:
His fote steppes shall not bende nor bowe his lyfe shalbe vpright.
The vngodly man layeth wayte and watcheth the iust styll:
He seketh oportunitie hym to murther and kyll.
But the Lorde wyll not suffer hym to fall into his hand:
Nor to be founde wycked whē he doeth at his triall stande.
Truste in the Lord and marcke his waye, se that thou do not rage:
And he shall the promote to haue the earth by heritage.
And whē the vngodly men shall be clearly routed out:
Thou shalt se and beholde the same wyth reioycynge no doubt.
I my selfe sawe a wycked man, full violent was he:
And dyd sprede forth hym selfe as doeth the freshe buddynge baye tree.

And the same passed by, and lo, he dyd no more remayne:
I sought hym, but after that tyme he was not founde agayne.
Obserue and kepe a perfect lyfe, and trust for that is ryght:
For that man onlye that doeth so, shall haue peace in goddes syght.
But the vngraciouse sorte shall all be destroyed no doubt:
And at the laste the vngodly shalbe all routed out.
The health & salfgard of the iuste, is from the Lorde alone:
Whoe is all theyr strength in the tyme of theyr affliction.
The Lord shall helpe & deliuer them from the vngodly:
And shall kepe them, for in hym they haue trusted certenly.