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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Lucas in euangelio: Et factus est sudor eius, velut gutte sanguinis decurrentis in terram.
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Lucas in euangelio: Et factus est sudor eius, velut gutte sanguinis decurrentis in terram.

And that blode-shedyng sikerly
was for desir þat he hade tho
Monnus saule forto forby,
And wyn þat wer in sorow & wo.


The thrid time he shed his blode
was quen he scourget was i-wys
to make tho þat wer gylty gode,
worthily & noȝt amys.
The furth time of his passioun,
quen he was nailet to þe tre,
ther was þe prys for vs laide doun
that he fulfild to make vs fre.
The fift time als, in gode fay,
that he bled for monnus dede,
was quen þat he on Gode Friday
on croys his hert-blode con shede,
And that blode-shedyng verrayment,
when his hert so percide was,
is callide þe holi sacrament
that broȝt vs fully to his gras.
Blode & water witerly
out of his hert he shed þat day,
blode monkynde to forby,
And water our syn to wassh away.
And þat water may signifye
that thurgh fulloght, in gode fay,
Adam syn þat did vs nye
with water is slekket, soth to say.
Thus turnet is þe sacrament
circumcisioun vset ȝore
to fulloght, sithen þat Crist vs kent
In signe þat we wer thral bifore
Thurȝe syn, tille God his son had sent
to wasch all þat vnworthy wore
with water þat from his hert went,
then circumcisioun last nomore,


But fulloght vset in tokenyng
that, riȝt as Crist shed water cler,
so with water at our comyng
he wold þat we so washen wer.