University of Virginia Library


SONG. XLVI. Christmas Day.


As on the night before this happie Morne,
A blessed Angell vnto Shepheards told,
Where (in a Stable) he was poorely borne,
Whom, nor the earth, nor Heau'n of heau'ns can hold:
Through Bethlem rung
This newes at their returne;
Yea, Angells sung,
That God with vs was borne:
And they made mirth because we should not mourne.


Their Angell-Caroll sing we then,
To God on high all glorie be,
For Peace on earth bestoweth he,
And sheweth fauour vnto men.


This fauour Christ vouchsafed for our sake,
To buy vs Thrones, he in a Manger lay.
Our Weakenesse tooke, that we his Strength might take,
And was disrob'd, that he might vs aray;
Our flesh he wore,
Our Sinne to weare away.
Our Curse he bore,
That we escape it may.
And Wept for vs, that we might sing for aye.



With Angells therefore sing agen,
To God on high all glorie be;
For Peace on Earth bestoweth he;
And sheweth fauour vnto men.