University of Virginia Library

[XXXIII. Softly]

Softly, O softly, drop my eyes least you be dry

Softly, O softly, drop my eyes least you be dry, And make my hart with griefe to melt and dye, Now powre out teares apace, Now powre out teares apace, Now stay, O heauy case, O sowre sweet woe alas, woe alas, alas, O griefe, O ioy, why striue you so? Can griefes and ioyes, at once, in one poore hart consent? Then sigh and sing, reioyce, lament, lament, Aye me, Aye me, O passions strange and violent, Was neuer

poore wretch so sore tormented, Nor ioy, nor griefe, can make my hart contented, Was neuer poore wretch so sore tormented, Nor ioy, nor griefe can make my hart contented, For while with ioy I looke on hye, Downe, downe I fall with griefe and dye. downe I fall, Downe, downe I fall, For while vvith ioy I looke on hye, Downe, dovvne I fall. Downe, downe I fall, with griefe and dye.