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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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XXXVIII. On Math. Flaccus Myricus.

Thy brethren

He is honoured with these and more such like titles by his owne Brethren the Diuines of Wittenberg in respons. ad calumn. Flac. to which booke for breuity I referre the Reader, hauing only giuen him these for a tast to encourage him (if he please) to a further search.

tearme thee, Flaccus, a profane

Foe to al truth; as impudent as Cain,
A Dunghil-cock, a Snake, a Dog, a Scurre,
A loathsome Cancer, Fury, Epicure,
Vngrateful cuckow, periur'd, wicked, base,
Impugner of the vertuous, doltish Asse,
Foule grunting sow, who with her filthy nose
Furrow's al grounds, where any goodnes grow's,
Vaine Thraso, faithlesse Sinon, impudent
Thersites, Harpax, hayre-brain'd Sycophant
Blaster of freindship, kindler of debate,
Sower of discords, enuy, iarres, and hate;
A ful-blowne bag-pipe, which when any tryes


To presse, or squeeze it, squeaketh nought but lyes;
The Diuel's liuely organ, and his sonne,
Deseruing, as Christ's enemy, a throne
In Hel's damn'd Court. If in this manner those
Who are thy Brethren, speake, what say thy foes?