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The Blessed Birth-day

celebrated in some religious meditations on the Angels Anthem. Lvc. 2. 14. Also holy transportations, in contemplating some of the most obserueable adiuncts about our Saviours Nativity. Extracted for the most part out of the Sacred Scriptures, Ancient Fathers, Christian Poets. And some moderne Approved Authors. By Charles Fitz-Geffry. The second Edition with Additions

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O blessed Vigils, where advise is giuen
To men, to finde on Earth the God of heaven.
See sheepheards he who never sleepes, doth keep
Watch over you while you watch ore your sheep.
Be not affrightned at the splendent sight,
Darknesse is to be dreaded not the light,
Divels not Angels. Let them dread who dare
Sleep in their sins, not they who watchfull are.
No danger from an Angell can proceed,
Whose speech remoues the feare his sight doth breed.
Sweet is the word to an astounded eare


When he forbids to feare whom all doe feare.
Let me feare him, who saith Feare not, alone:
How many doth he feare that feares not one?
Great sheepheard of our soules who dain'st to grace
Me most vnworthy, with a sheepheards place,
Who wouldst to sheepheards haue thy birth reveald
Which yet from Kings and Iudges was conceald,
And while they watcht, thy light to them did'st send
Which they from thee to others might extend;
First manifest thy selfe, ô Lord to mee,
That I to mine may preach and publish thee.
Dispell my darknesse with thy light divine,
Shine thou on me, that I on them may shine,
Reflecting on my flocke that double light
Of doctrine pure, and conversation right.
Thou who doest watch ore them who watchfull are
Grant me to watch ore mine with heedfull care:
Leaf if I faile to keepe a carefull watch
The ravening wolfe both sheepe and sheepheard catch.
Confer'd thou hast on me, ô Lord, likewise,
An other charge, a bosome benefice,
A true peculiar, that will not dispense
With the least oscitance, my Conscience,
This o'er me at all times watchfull is,
O make me alwaies watchfull ouer this.
Let me be carefull, wary eye to keep


Over my homebred flock, domestick sheep,
My thoughts, my words, my actions all, least they
Beyond their fixed boundaries doe stray:
This twofold charge let me, ô Lord, attend
Till this my weary pilgrimage doe end:
Let me, like to the Lamp that burns by night
Not spare to spend mine oile to lend them light:
Till both my charges I resigne to thee,
Then be thou pleas'd to crowne thy gifts in mee.