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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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[Alace! (sueit love,) yat ewer my puir eyes]

Alace! (sueit love,) yat ewer my puir eyes
Presum'd to gaize on yat most heauinly face.
Alace! yat fortoune ewer seimd to ease
My endles woes, but now wold me deface.
Alace! yat ewer I expected grace,
To snair myselfe in hope to be reliued.
Alace! Alace! that loue wold now disgrace
My loyall hert, qch once to serwe him liued.
Alace! Alace! yat ewer I surviued
Ye fatall tyme, quhen first appeir'd my joy:
For now, alace! I die: bot ȝit reviued,
In hope thy love my luck sall once injoy.
Still to remaine, resolued then sall I liue,
Thy humblest servant, ewin till breath me liue.