University of Virginia Library



My trustie hart is setlit firme and suir,
As diamant dour, Or lyk the stabile steill,
Rather to die than ons my fayth abIuir,
God hes contentit my desyr so veill.
Abowe the rest great force of luif I feill
Reule in my brest for him that dois precell,
Electit myn. No quhirle of fortouns quheill
Treuth may doune cast, quhilk in vs both doith duell.
Vith suggurit sop as Recent Rois dois smell
Ewen so resemblith my maist comlie chois,
My sensis all in solas sueit dois suell
In the beholding of his face formois:
So as the sone maks mariguld disclois,
Luik of his vult disuails my Inwart hart,
And quhan his Person absent from me gois,
Destrest I am And closit vp vith smart.
In euerie thing my luifing constant Part
Ewen as the trew Penelope sall scheine.
Cair sall I not no force of Cupids dart,
Rycht Reuld I am be Prudent Pallas queine.
Ewen as lord Phebus lyks the lawrell greine,
Contentit so for euir I Remaine;
He for his daintie dame ȝit suffers teine,
Trewth of my luif Reconforts me againe.