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35. [Ladies, be war þat plesand ar.]

Ladies, be war / þat plesand ar
To menis appetyte,
That ȝe nocht rew / þat ȝe thame knew
Throw þair lust and delyte.
For mony men / ar evill to ken
Þat luvis paramour,
With fenȝeit mynd, fals and vnkynd
Bringis ȝow to dishonour.
Quhen thay haif ane / with flattry tane,
Begylit with a trane,
Then with ane vddir / thay will confiddir
And play þe contrar pane.
Thay will promit / giftis rycht grit,
And sueir thay luve ȝow best;
Ȝow to begyle / with mony wyle
Thair mynd takkis nevir rest.
Thair hairtis ar sett / with sittelness,
For loif and nocht for lufe
Ȝow to dissaif / with dowbilness
To ȝour schame and reprufe.


O ladeis deir / I ȝow requeir,
Thair fals and fenȝeit fair,
Latt ay go henss / and tyne creddens
Beleving þame no mair.