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Sonetto. 9.

Sonetto. 9.

[As eye bewrayeth the secretes of my minde]

As eye bewrayeth the secretes of my minde,
I did regard an Eglantine most faire,
That sprong in sight of sun that brightly shind,
And yet no sunne her springing could empayre.
I did reioyce to come within her aire,
Her sweetenes to receiue within my brest:
O that her sent in hart ay might I weare,
With griping griefe heart should not be opprest.
Heart panting sore would cease or take some rest,
And feare disloyall vanish would away,
Then ouer griefe in triumph were I blest,
To be reuiued when life went to decay,
With shadow hide me from these hart-breake showers,
And with thy sent refresh me in thy bowers.